Integrative Remedial Massage
What is Integrative Remedial Massage?
I use Remedial massage as the constant ebb and flow underlying each treatment. It is a specialised form of therapeutic massage. I deal with identifying problem areas in soft tissues including muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue, tailoring the best treatment protocol plan aimed at restoring the body to a “pain free state”.
My approach begins with a comprehensive assessment of the potential root cause of the pain, injury or dysfunction and results in supporting the body’s own repair mechanism alleviating chronic and severe symptoms of pain.
In combination with all other Advanced Integrated Practices this specialised massage is highly effective in treating anything from muscle tightness often described as a “deep ache” or tenderness in an area leading to stiffness,, numbness, tingling sensations, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, headaches, frozen shoulder, chronic back pain, scoliosis, sciatica, runners knee, shin splints, ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, pre/post natal complaints and the list goes on.
The results from this treatment greatly improves circulation, assists in managing and eliminating pain, injury and rehabilitation, increasing joint mobility and flexibility, preventing further injury, aligns poor posture and balances the structures of the whole musculoskeletal system.
It is designed to free your body and promote your well being!